Daniel Endicott

Daniel Endicott - Guess What?

Daniel Endicott

Artist Statement:

I am inspired by the absurdity, comedy, and overwhelming mystery of my modern human existence. Through figurative paintings, often self portraits, I highlight the little bits of life that remind me we are only here for a short time so we should laugh, cry, and marvel at the whole show.

My paintings often feature highly posed and cropped views of the body that feel like stills from a film or a scene from a play. These paintings dig into the internal personal mythology we build for ourselves and how we view our distinctly human existence in a world that doesn’t see us as unique. Often featuring a lone figure, my paintings have a sense of wonder, mystery, and despair buoyed by a strong undercurrent of comedy.

Inspired by classical practices, my paintings develop over long periods of time, resulting in a very thick surface with layers of colors giving great weight to the flesh. While appearing very lifelike there is a sense of otherworldliness and unease lurking at the edges of the paintings.

Artist Bio:

Working predominantly in oil paints, Daniel Endicott creates portraits and figurative works that deal with  personal mythology, invented memories, and un-trustworthy history, all within a comical and highly staged environment. Endicott, who was born in Abington, Pa. in 1981, takes influence from the works of Beckmann, Guston, and Freud, applying it to their paintings with a style rooted in classical practices. Most known for comical portraits and figure paintings, Endicott has shown in a number of galleries including The Abington Art Center, The Fairmount House, and other spaces throughout Philadelphia.


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